Ivana Ruddock-Lange Author

Books about Anatomy, Equine Touch and Canine Touch.

Ivana Ruddock-Lange

Over the years I tried very hard to deliver some of the knowledge about animal welfare to the interested people. I saw that there was a huge gap between the knowledge of professionals and owners. (I speak about 20 years ago, the time that internet was “dial-up” if you were lucky and very small number of people had their own computer. )

Very soon I realized, that even constant traveling around the world and teaching our classes cannot reach all of the owners that were interested in the wellbeing of their animals, friends and partners – their horses and dogs.

So together with my late husband Jock Ruddock we self-published “a story book”  The Equine Touch –  From Zero to Hero.  This book very nicely shows that we ALL have great skill and we can all learn some simple “tricks” (modality, technique)  to help our horses with their issues. Stories from our students from all around the world were very inspiring and surely got many people out of their shells and helped them to find their “own magic hands”, that were able to help their horses in the right time, whenever they need it.

After I developed a system of bodywork for dog’s owners  called The Canine Touch, I once again sat down and put the technique of gentle moves into a printed (manual) version so it could find as many dog’s owners as possible.  I believe that gentle bodywork can help them to communicate better with their dogs.

My latest addition to the Atlas of the Equine Musculoskeletal System came out as a need once again. I was asked by my Equine Touch students if I can help them with their study of anatomy.  They were interested but they were also lost in the amount of information out there. They wanted something simple, accurate easy to use. I started to teach a dissection class, first only for our students, but very soon, there was demand from students of other disciplines as well. I collected many images, I processed them and after really lots of work I put them into this book. A book where is very little writings (so will be very well accepted by visual learners) and the anatomy is presented herein layers, rather than in bits and pieces and separate areas of the body.  I hope that equine bodyworkers will find this book as a simple visual guide, that helps them to “feel” with their hands.

As a  result of interest and demand,  there is a second edition of the book, which is an expansion of the successful first edition. The hardcover book contains  20 more pages, highlighting some important Areas of Concerns of the horses’ body.

Atlas sample page